Management Console: SmartObject Security

K2 Management Console - SmartObject Security

The SmartObject Administration screen allows an administrator to Configure, Create and Delete permissions for specific users.

Option What it is
User/Group Name Presents the name of the User or Group
Publish SmartObject Gives the specified user permission to publish new SmartObjects
Delete SmartObject Gives the specified user permission to delete SmartObjects
Type Specifies the type of User (i.e. User or Group)
Opens the Add User dialogue
Stores and Activates the configured User permissions

Clicking Add will load the Add User dialogue, presenting an administrator with the following user search options:

Option What it does
Users/Groups Allows the user to only search for the available Users/Groups. This option is selected by default.
Roles This option is disabled on this screen
Search Text Box Allows the user to enter the search text string
Security Label Provides a drop down selection of the security labels
Domain Provides a drop down selection of the domains
User/Group Name Presents the results of the search
Type Presents the user subtype - User or Group
Starts the search based on the options selected
Selects all the returned search results in the list
Clears all the selected search results



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)