General Properties

Default Activity Wizard - General Properties

The General Properties dialog is shown below and is native to every Activity in the Toolbox. From this page, the base configuration for the Activity is completed.

Default Activity | General Properties
Feature Description How to use it...


The name of the Activity identifying it uniquely from the other activities in the process
  1. Click in the name field
  2. Enter a suitable name of choice
Description A text description, visible only from this page Enter a text description describing the role the Activity plays.
Metadata Data that describes the data contained within the process Populate this field with Metadata
Priority Sets the priority for the Activity. The priority setting is visible from within workspace
  1. Click on the arrow
  2. Select one of the priority settings, namely
    1. High
    2. Medium
    3. Low

Note: The priority does not enable a faster process time for the Activity instance. It provides visual indication to the Destination user that the work list item is important.

Limit the number of slots Sets a finite number of slots for the Activity
  1. Click on the arrow
  2. Select the number of Slots (up to 99)

Note: For the Succeeding rule, ensure that either more or the same number of slots required for the rule to evaluate to true are selected. If more slots are required than there are slots available, the activity will never complete.

Create a slot for each destination Each destination user specified either manually or in a group will have a slot created enabling them to action the work list item.
  1. Enable this option to ensure that all destination users are allocated a slot

Caution: This option can place high overhead on system resources. Each slot allocated implies an instance of the Activity which for high volume user environments e.g. Call Center, this can impact on system performance.

Expected Duration The expected duration, similar in principle to an escalation sets a maximum amount of time to complete the Activity instance. In Workspace, graphical indication identifies Activity instances that have exceeded their Expected Duration.
  1. Select one of the time graduations
  2. Enter a value
  3. Repeat until Duration time is entered



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)