
K2 Designer for SharePoint - Workflows

The Workflows wizard screens enables a user to select an existing K2 Designer for SharePoint Workflow that has previously been saved or deployed. The Workflows wizard screen is context sensitive and will display differently depending on the previous selection made.

Fig. 1. Workflows - Edit an existing Workflow

Fig. 2. Workflows - Reuse a shared/available Workflow

Fig. 3. Workflows - Reuse personal Workflow

Feature What it is
Look In Used to search for Workflows in either Personal or Shared Workflows.
Filter Type a search string Workflow name in the Filter text box.
Name Lists the Workflows by name.
Shared Lists whether the specific Workflow has been shared
Reuse Lists whether the specific Workflow has been made available for reuse
Status Displays the current status of the Workflow. The available statuses are:
  • Saved - A Saved Workflow cannot be allocated to a document.
  • Deployed - A Deployed Workflow is ready to be allocated as the workflow for a specific document or list.
  • Locked - This Workflow has been locked and can not be opened.  The Workflow Designer can unlock the Workflow.
History The History link opens a new screen that displays a historical list of the Workflow versions saved, and then revert the Workflow to one of those versions.  To revert back to an older version of the Workflow, it is necessary to open the Workflow and redeploy the Workflow.  Click on the link to open the History screen. 



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)