Update List Item

SharePoint List Items Wizard - Update List Item

The Update List Item wizard screen specifies the settings that should be applied to the List Item being updated.

Fig. 1. SharePoint List Item Wizard - Update List Item

Feature What it is How to use it
SharePoint Site URL Specifies the SharePoint Site URL where the List Item is located. Specify the SharePoint Server URL e.g. http://SPSServer:121 OR use the ellipse button to open Context Browser and select the SharePoint URL
List Name Specifies the List Name of the List Item being updated Enter the List Name OR use the Context Browser to select a DataField or XML Node. Alternatively use the Browse button to locate the List Name on the SharePoint Site
Folder Specifies the Folder where the List Item is located If the List Item is located in a Folder, click on the Browse button to specify the Folder
Content Type Content Type is a customizable meta description of content that can include custom properties, a retention policy, and an associated set of workflows/business processes Enter the description of the Content Type OR use the Context Browser to select a DataField or XML Node. Alternatively use the Browse button to select the Content Type from the SharePoint Site
List Item ID Specifies the List Item ID of the List Item that should be updated Enter the List Item ID OR use the Context Browser to select a DataField or XML Node.
Preserve metadata that is not updated Specifies whether metadata should be preserved if not selected to be updated. Select this option to preserve metadata that is not selected in this event to be updated, for example the Created By column in the SharePoint List.  By default this option is selected.  Deselect the option if metadata should not be preserved.

How to use the Preserve metadata that is not updated option

The Preserve metadata that is not updated option can be used to preserve column data that is not selected to be updated.  This would typically be the columns:

It is however possible to preserve metadata from custom columns.  The custom columns that are not selected to be updated via the wizard will be preserved if this option is checked.

We recommend that the following updates are installed to make use of this functionality: 

  • The latest SharePoint Cumulative Updates.
  • The latest SharePoint Service Pack.
  • For all new processes, this functionality will be available.
  • To make use of this new functionality on existing workflows, update the design templates, open the wizard and make the necessary configuration and redeploy the process.
  • If the Run As functionality is used on this event, with the Preserve metadata that is not updated option enabled, the Run As user must have the following rights:
    • SharePoint 2010 - SharePoint Site Collection Administrator
    • MOSS2007 - Full Control on the SharePoint Site

Examples on how the metadata will display

Example 1

Preserve metadata that is not updated - Enabled:

In this example a SharePoint Custom List is used with the following columns and metadata:

Using the SharePoint List Item Wizard to update an item, the Title column and TestColumnTwo was selected to be updated in a K2 process. See the image below for results after running an instance of the process:

Example 2

Preserve metadata that is not updated - Disabled:

In this example a SharePoint Custom List is used with the following columns and metadata:

Using the SharePoint List Item Wizard to update an item, the Title column and TestColumnTwo was selected to be updated in a K2 process. See the image below for results after running an instance of the process:

Note that the Modified By column was NOT preserved as the Preserve metadata that is not updated option was disabled in the SharePoint List Item Wizard. The Modified By column will revert back to the Service Account user.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)