K2 Studio Options

Studio Options

The K2 Studio File Menu Options enables the user to configure and manage environmental connections and sources. The Connection Settings configure the K2 Studio environment to a specific K2 server. If developing against a K2 Server where integrated authentication is not required or non-integrated authentication id preferred, user credentials and a K2 Server Label can be defined to connect to that specific K2 Sever and K2 Environment.

 K2 Studio Options

Connection Settings

The connection setting determine which K2 Sever the K2 Studio environment will deploy to and interact with. These settings are captured at the time of installation and can be changed at any time and for any project to suit design time requirements. 

Connection Settings
server The name of the machine where the K2 Server is located, connected to and interacting with.
Port The communications port for process deployment. *
Integrated Authentication If enabled the K2 Environment will pass the credentials of the local logged on user. If that user's credentials are insufficient or they do not have the appropriate domain account rights, integrated authentication can be disabled,and the account details of an alternative account can be entered.
User and Password The user name and password for a domain account which has the appropriate rights.
Label The label of the K2 Server under which the Domain account specified above will run.
* This port number is the default port for all K2 Servers.

General Settings

General Settings enables the user to manage the Recent and WEB Site browsing history that may have been collected while developing a project(s).

General Settings
Clear History Clears all references to the project history from the Recent Menu
Clear Used Sites Clears the cache for all WEB sites, site collections and so on that the Environment library may have been used to browse to while developing a project.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)