K2 SmartActions Message Customizations

K2 Server Configuration File

Once K2 SmartActions has been installed, the messaging customization for the K2 Server needs to be configured. All messaging is managed according to what is contained with the K2 Server configuration file. The K2 Server configuration file is located in the following location (K2HostServer.config), located at <install drive>:\Program Files (x86). The configuration file enables the Administrator to configure the operation of K2 SmartActions. K2 [blackpearl or blackpoint]\Host Server\Bin, is used to configure the following items, which are configured by editing the file as illustrated below. The following items can be configured:

  1. K2 SmartActions that action the process
  2. Synonyms which can be used in addition to the prescribed Actions
  3. Help for the Information Worker 
  4. Error handling Messaging

K2 Server Configuration File Example

Shown below is an example code sample for SmartActions. This section contains tags which configure the following:

Code Sample to Edit the K2 Host Server Configuration File
Copy Code
        If you do not use the Service Account for MessageBus, remember to update the connection
  <system self="K2:DENALLIX\K2Service" enableListeners="true" />
    <help filename="Templates\Messages\MessageBus.Help" />
    <unhandledError filename="Templates\Messages\MessageBus.UnhandledError" />
    <error filename="Templates\Messages\MessageBus.Error" />
      <help filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.Help" />
      <actions filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.Actions" />
      <unhandledError filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.UnhandledError" />
      <error filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.Error" />
      <actionExecuted filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.ActionExecuted" />
      <standardActions filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.StandardActions" />
      <standardActionsWithDescriptions filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.StandardActionsWithDescriptions" />
      <sleep filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.Sleep" />
      <sleepError filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.SleepError" />
      <redirect filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.Redirect" />
      <redirectError filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.RedirectError" />
      <delegate filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.Delegate" />
      <delegateError filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.DelegateError" />
      <itemNotFound enabled="false" filename="Templates\Messages\SmartActions.ItemNotFound" />
        <!-- Supported synonyms for the Redirect action -->
        <action value="redirect">
          <!-- Shorthand -->
          <!-- Spanish -->
          <!-- French -->
          <!-- German -->
        <!-- Supported synonyms for the Delegate action -->
        <action value="delegate">
          <!-- Shorthand -->
          <!-- Spanish -->
          <!-- French (with and without unicode)-->
          <!-- German -->
        <!-- Supported synonyms for the Sleep action -->
        <action value="sleep">
          <!-- Shorthand -->
          <!-- Spanish -->
          <!-- French (supports valid alternatives: le sommeil and sommeil)-->
          <!-- German -->
        <!-- Supported synonyms for the Help action -->
        <action value="help">
        <!-- Supported synonyms for the Actions action -->
        <action value="actions">
        <!-- Common configured actions and allowable alternatives -->
        <action value="approve">
        <action value="approved">
        <action value="decline">
        <action value="declined">
        <action value="reject">
        <action value="rejected">


Configuration File Description
<actionsStandard> Standard or system actions that are used by the K2 Server to process messaging notifications
<actionsConfigured> A user configured action which is used by the K2 Server to process messaging notifications*
<synonym> A single character or word that the K2 Server is instructed to associate with a actionConfigured or actionSystem. 
<messages> Messages sent by the system which are extracted from template files which contain pre configured messages. These can be customized to suit individual needs. 
* actionsStandard take precedence over actionsConfigured i.e. if both are entered at the same time then the actionsStandard would be processed and the actionsConfigured will be ignored.


K2 SmartAction Messaging Template Files

The messages that are used by the K2 Server are all located in the following location ...K2 blackpearl\Host Server\Bin\Templates\Messages. Located in the folder is a collection of text files which can be updated to include information to fit your organization’s needs. When the files are opened you will notice that the text file is a combination of plain text and fields which are populated when the message is sent to the Information Worker. Shown below is an image of the folder along with a list of the text files that can be expected and found in that location.

The text files are system files and designed to work in conjunction with the K2 Server. Although they can be modified, it is recommended that the messaging remains as is unless specific organizational requirements require that they be changed.

Shown below is an example of one of the text files namely the SmartActions.ActionExecuted.txt file. The variable fields indicated by the { } brackets are populated at run time when the e-mail is sent to the information worker. The wording can be change, but if these variable fields are removed from the text, crucial information relating the worklist item will be lost.

If the text file is changed to include HTML for corporate branding purposes, this feature is currently unsupported and the html would appear as plain text in the e-mail received by the information worker.
Action Executed
Copy Code
On {date} you successfully actioned the worklist item:
Action: {action} 
Serial Number: {serial number} 

Variable Fields

The following variable fields in the SmartActions Message Templates, indicated by { } are supported:

Variable Fields Description
Error The error that occurred during processing.
StackTrace The stack trace for the error.
LongDateFormat The format for long dates e.g. dd mmmm yyyy.
ShortDateFormat The format for short dates e.g. dd/mm/yy.
Now The current date and time.
Recipient The recipient of the message that SmartActions is sending.
Sender The person who sent the message to SmartActions.
LongTimeFormat The format for long time e.g. hh:mm:ss AM/PM.
ShortTimeFormat The format for short time e.g. hhhh:mm.
ActionTaken The action the user selected.
ConfiguredActions The configured actions (e.g. Approve/Decline).
ConfiguredActionsWithDescriptions The configured actions with descriptions.
DelegatedUser The user the item was delegated to.
DestinationUser The item’s destination user.
EventName The name of the workflow event.
RedirectedUser The user the item was redirected to.
SleepDuration The duration that the item is sleeping for.
StandardActions The system actions (e.g. Sleep/Redirect/Wake).
StandardActionsWithDescriptions The system actions with descriptions.
WorklistItem The SmartActions tag (e.g. SN=1_18).
WorklistItemSerialNumber Just the serial number.

For information on SmartActions synonyms see the topic with that title.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)