Examples MSBuild Usage

K2 Designer - Examples of MSBUILD Usage

The account that has been used to logon, must have export rights to Deploy the process to the new environment

To make use of the MSBuild application set the following path from the Windows CMD window:

C:\ SET PATH =”C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\V2.0.250727”


The two examples below will assist in deploying the package to a new environment. For further assistance in using MSBuild, please refer to the Microsoft Documentation.

Testing the Environment

To test the environment; the package will not deploy when this option is used:

Copy Command Syntax:
Msbuild [FileName] /p: TestOnly=True /p:Environment =production

If no errors are reported by this command your environment is most likely suitable to deploy the package. You may now proceed to Deploy the package.

Deploy Package

To deploy the package in the environment:

Copy Command Syntax:

Msbuild [FileName] /p:Environment=production


Msbuild "C:\Expense\obj\Debug\Deployment\Expense Claims Process.msbuild” /p:Environment=production



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