Design Canvas Features

K2 Studio Design Canvas

The K2 Design canvas contains visual information about the K2 process being built.

For a list of Workflow design patterns, see the quick reference sheet here: http://help.k2.com/en/k2ls-qrs011.aspx

Special Design Canvas Tools

Document View: The document view enables a user to view his workflow in a document type view. Text can be added in this view, but changes cannot be made to activities or events.

Zoom feature: Move the zoom selector to the left or to the right to decrease or increase the zoom view.

Deployment Status: The bottom left hand corner of the K2 screen shows the deployment status. This will usually simply display Ready, but during the deployment of a K2 process it will display the status of the deployment as well as whether the deployment was successful or not.

Mouse Gestures: For more information on what mouse gestures are configured for K2 Studio see K2 Studio Mouse Gestures.

Keyboard Short Cuts: Keyboard short cuts are available for most K2 functions on the Home and Process Bars. See K2 Studio Home Tab and K2 Studio Process Tab for more information.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)