Custom Reports

K2 Reporting - Custom Reports

Custom reports are built and accessed in K2 Workspace from the Reports > Report Designer menu.

Report Menu

Fig. 1. Report Designer Menu Item

From the Report Designer Home page users can view publicly published reports and create new reports. By default the Report Designer shows the Recently Viewed reports page. The Reports menu in K2 Workspace enables the user to run or edit existing reports and build new reports using SmartObjects depending on the business requirements.  

  It is a prerequisite to have SmartObjects in order to build K2 Custom Reports

Report Viewer

Fig. 2. Report Designer Home Page

Feature What it is
Report Designer Launches the Report designer screen displaying all existing reports in K2 Workspace and allowing the composition of new reports
Name Name of the report
Description Description of the report
Owner Owner of the report
Date Viewed Date the report was last viewed
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)