BCS Integration

BCS Integration - Overview

Microsoft Business Connectivity Services (BCS), formerly named the Business Data Catalog, enables users to read and write data from external systems - through Web services, databases, and Microsoft .NET Framework assemblies - from within Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Microsoft Office 2010 applications.  Both SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010 applications have product features that can use external data directly, both online and offline.  Developers can gain access to a rich set of features and rapidly build solutions by using familiar tools such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010. 

Common Terminology:

Terminology Description
BCS - Business Connectivity Services BCS is the name of the new feature in SharePoint 2010 that is the evolution of BDC from SharePoint 2007 with the additional capabilities such as External Content Types and External Lists
BDC - Business Data Catalog BDC service is the new version of the Business Data Catalog from SharePoint 2007 now available as a SharePoint 2010 shared service
ECT - External Content Type ECTs are reusable metadata descriptions of connectivity information and data definitions plus the behaviors you want to apply to a certain category of external data - every BCS user interface requires an underlying ECT configuration
EL - External Lists BCS supports many user interfaces for interacting with data - the External List is the most frequently mentioned as it is the easiest to understand and it provides the foundation for additional downstream user interfaces, such as Outlook

Key BCS Features:



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