23. Deploy the Expense Claim Workflow

In this step, you deploy the final version of your workflow. Deploying a workflow publishes it to the K2 server and makes it available to your users. If you make changes to the workflow, you must deploy it again so that K2 "sees" the changes. After you deploy the workflow, you will assign "start" and "view" rights for all authenticated users. Users can start your workflow (by submitting an expense claim) and view reports on this workflow instances.

  1. Deploy the workflow. Do not close out of the success message as you will grant permissions next.
    1. Click File, then Deploy.
      Deployment Successful
  2. Assign "everyone" start and view rights to the Expense Claim Workflow.
    1. Next, you will set permissions so that all authenticated users can start the workflow and view reports on workflow instances. Users can only view reports on workflows they started or on workflow where they were the task recipient.
      After you see the success message, click the manage workflow permissions... link. The K2 Management site opens in a new browser tab with the Expense Claim Workflow selected. Select the workflow in the central pane, then click the Rights button.
      Assigning Workflow Permissions
    2. On the Workflow Rights screen, click Add. On the Add Users and Groups screen, confirm the Search Scope is set to All and the Label is set to K2. In the search text box, enter
      then click the Search button.
      Setting the Search Scope and Label
    3. You should see everyone appear in the results pane. Select the Everyone row, then click Add. Click Next to continue.
    4. Breaking down this step. First, you search for the user, group, or role you want to assign permissions to. Your search results appear in the first pane, the search results pane. In some cases, you may have more than one result returned. You then select the result you want, then click Add once again to add it to the process rights pane, or list of users you are granting rights to. The Everyone group includes all authenticated users from all associated systems (such as SP, CRM, AD, AAD).
    5. CHECK the boxes for START and VIEW, then click Finish. Start rights allows the user to start an instance of a workflow. View rights allow the user to view reports for workflow instances they are associated with.
    6. You should "Everyone" listed for permissions to this workflow. (If you are not working on a K2-provided VM, you will not see the Denallix Administrator entry, you may see another entry instead.) Close the workflow rights window. Close the K2 Management site browse window.
    7. Back on the K2 Workflow Designer, close the workflow by clicking File > Close.

In this step, you deployed the Expense Claim Workflow and assigned workflow permissions. In the next step, you will return to editing form rules. After you complete the rule configurations, your application is ready to test!

Next Step: 24. Edit the Edit Expense Claim Form
Expense Claim Application