16. (Optional) Clean up your K2 environment by deleting the application artifacts

If you intend to work through the Leave Request Extended tutorial, DO NOT complete this step! The extended version builds upon the artifacts from the basic version.

This optional step describes how you can clean your K2 environment by deleting the artifacts that you created in this tutorial. For example, if you are working in a shared environment, you may want to delete your tutorial applications to keep your environment clean and tidy.

Deleting artifacts (such as views, forms, SmartObjects, workflows, service instances and so on) removes them from the K2 server permanently and you cannot retrieve or restore them easily. You should only delete artifacts once you are certain that they are no longer needed. Also, once you start deleting application artifacts, other application artifacts might stop working, because they depend on the item that you just deleted.

Use the K2 Management site to delete deployed workflows

Begin by deleting the deployed versions of the Leave Request Workflow from the K2 server. First, you must delete any active process instances, then delete the deployed workflow versions.

  1. From the K2 Management site, delete any process instances associated with the Leave Request Workflow. You are deleting any process instances that are active, running, stopped, or in error. You can also choose to remove reporting data as well.
    Location: Categories > K2 Learning > Leave Request > Workflow > Leave Request Workflow > Instances (remember that K2 Leaning might have a different name in your environment).
    1. From the Categories menu, navigate to the K2 Learning > Leave Request node (remember that K2 Leaning might have a different name in your environment). Expand the Workflow category and select Leave Request Workflow.
      Select Workflow
    2. In the central pane, click the Instances tab. Check to see if there are any active, running, stopped, or erred process instances. If there are, select them one-by-one and click the Delete button (there may be more than one instance). You see a pop-up where you have the option to delete reporting logs. Check the Delete Reporting Data (Logs) box, then click Delete. This removes any reporting data generated for the process instance.
      Delete Process Instances
    3. Repeat the step above until you have deleted all process instances for the Leave Request Workflow.
  2. Delete all versions of the workflow. You may see more than one version and you have the option to delete all versions or specific versions. In this case, you delete all versions along with the historical data and workflow reporting SmartObjects.
    Location: Workflow Server > Workflows > Workflow > Leave Request Workflow > Versions.
    Your artifact names may not match the steps exactly if you added your initials to make them unique. When an artifact name is referenced, use the name you entered when creating it. Artifacts include views, forms, SmartObjects, workflows, service instances, roles, groups, and SharePoint lists and libraries.
    1. Expand the Workflow Server > Workflows node. Expand the Workflow category and select Leave Request Workflow.
      K2 Management Site
    2. In the central pane, click the Versions tab. In the image below, there is only one version of the Leave Request Workflow. You may have several versions, depending on how many times you deployed the workflow. Notice the columns for Active, Running, Stopped, and Error instances. You should see zeros here, since you deleted all process instances in the prior step. Select a version and click Delete.
      Delete Workflow Versions
    3. On the Delete Workflow screen, select Delete all versions, then check the option to delete all historical data and workflow reporting SmartObjects. Click OK. Repeat this step until you have deleted all versions of the workflow.
      Delete Workflow Options

Use K2 Designer to delete application elements

The next step is to remove application elements using K2 Designer. Here, you can remove views, forms, SmartObjects, workflow design files and categories.

  1. In K2 Designer, delete the Leave Request Workflow design file. (In the previous step, you removed workflows published to the K2 server. In this step, you are removing the "design" copy of your workflow.)
    Location: All Items > K2 Learning > Leave Request > Workflow. Remember that the K2 Leaning category might have a different name in your environment.
    1. Return to K2 Designer. Navigate to your K2 Learning > Leave Request categories - remember that the K2 Leaning category might have a different name in your environment . Expand the Workflow category and select Leave Request Workflow. Right-click and select Delete. Click Yes for the confirmation.
      Delete Workflow
  2. Delete the Leave Request Form. (You must delete forms first, followed by the views used on those forms.)
    Location: All Items > K2 Learning > Leave Request > Forms.
    1. Expand the Forms category.
    2. Right-click Leave Request Form and select Delete. Click Yes for the confirmation. If you see a message about associated workflows, you can ignore it and continue.
      Delete Report Form
  3. Delete each view. (There is no specific order for deleting views).
    Location: All Items > K2 Learning > Leave Request > Views.
    1. Expand the Views category. Right-click each view and select Delete. There is no specific order you must follow for deleting views. Click Yes for each confirmation.
      Delete Each View
  4. Delete the Leave Request SmartObject.
    Location: All Items > K2 Learning > Leave Request > SmartObjects.

    In the next step, you delete the Leave Request SmartObject.

    1. Expand the SmartObjects category. Right-click the Leave Request SmartObject and select Delete. Click Yes for the confirmation.
      Delete SmartObjects
  5. Delete the learning categories. You must delete the subcategories first (Forms, Views, SmartObjects, Workflow) and then Leave Request. Finally, you can delete K2 Learning if you do not intend building more tutorials, and remember that the K2 Learning category might have a different name in your environment.
    1. Delete the application’s categories. You must delete the subcategories first (Forms, Views, SmartObjects, Workflow) and then Leave Request.
      Delete Categories
    2. Finally, you can delete the K2 Learning category if you do not intend building more tutorials. Remember that the K2 Learning category might have a different name in your environment.

If everything worked as you expected: congratulations! 

Having completed this tutorial, you learned about three main K2 application components: data, forms and workflow. At this point, you should have a basic understanding of how to build SmartObjects, views, forms and workflows, and how to combine them together in the context of a workflow-centric application.

Leave Request (Basic)