Authorize Nintex DocGen

Authorizing Nintex DocGen gives permission to users to run tasks, use partner applications, run, and schedule DocGen Packages within Nintex DocGen.

Authorize Nintex DocGen

Note: Each user will have to authorize their own accounts.

  1. Click the Nintex Admin tab.

    The Nintex Admin Home left navigation displays.

  1. Scroll down to the Authorize Nintex DocGen box.
  2. Click the Authorize Nintex DocGen button.
  3. A new window will appear, click Allow to grant access.

    You have successfully authorized your account if your username is displayed.

Create an integration user identity

Note: To create an integration user, you must first Authorize Nintex DocGen

  1. From Setup, type Users in the Quick Find box.
  2. Click Users.
    For more information, see Add a Single User.