Supported fonts

Nintex DocGen for Salesforce supports the following font styles in templates A document/file that can be added to a DocGen Package. Data can be filled into the document/file..

  • Agency FB

  • Goudy Old Style

  • Ravie

  • Algerian

  • Haettenschweiler

  • Rockwell

  • Arial

  • Harlow Solid Italic

  • Rod

  • Arial Rounded MT

  • Harrington

  • Script MT Bold

  • Arial Unicode MS

  • High Tower Text

  • Script Regular

  • Baskerville Old Face

  • Impact

  • Segoe Print

  • Bauhaus 93

  • Imprint MT Shadow

  • Segoe Script

  • Bell MT

  • Informal Roman

  • Segoe UI

  • Berlin Sans FB

  • Jokerman

  • Segoe Ul Emoji

  • Bernard MT Condensed

  • Juice ITC

  • Segoe Ul Symbol

  • Blackadder ITC

  • Kristen ITC

  • Showcard Gothic

  • Bodoni MT

  • Kunstler Script

  • SimSun

  • Bodoni MT Condensed

  • Leelawadee

  • Sitka Banner

  • Book Antiqua

  • Leelawadee UI

  • Sitka Display

  • Bookman Old Style

  • Lucida Bright

  • Sitka Heading

  • Bookshelf Symbol

  • Lucida Calligraphy

  • Sitka Small

  • Bradley Hand ITC

  • Lucida Console

  • Sitka Subheading

  • Britannic Bold

  • Lucida Fax

  • Sitka Text

  • Broadway

  • Lucida Handwriting

  • Small Fonts Regular

  • Brush Script MT

  • Lucida Sans

  • Snap ITC

  • Calibri

  • Lucida Sans Typewriter

  • Stencil

  • Californian FB

  • Lucida Sans Unicode

  • Symbol

  • Calisto MT

  • Magneto

  • Tahoma

  • Cambria

  • Maiandra GD

  • Tempus Sans ITC

  • Cambria Math

  • Malgun

  • Times New Roman

  • Candara

  • Matura MT Script Capitals

  • Titillium Web

  • Castellar

  • MICR Encoding Regular

  • Trebuchet MS

  • Centaur

  • Microsoft Sans Serif

  • Tw Cen MT

  • Century

  • Mistral

  • Verdana

  • Century Gothic

  • Modern No. 20

  • Viner Hand ITC

  • Century Schoolbook

  • Monotype Corsiva

  • Vivaldi

  • Chiller

  • Montserrat

  • Vladimir Script

  • Colonna MT

  • MS Gothic

  • Webdings

  • Comic Sans MS

  • MS Mincho

  • Wide Latin

  • Consolas

  • MS Outlook

  • Wingdings

  • Constantia

  • MS Reference

  • Wingdings 2

  • Cooper Black

  • MS Reference Specialty

  • Wingdings 3

  • Copperplate Gothic

  • MS Sans Serif

  • Corbel

  • MS Serif

  • Courier New

  • MT Extra

  • Curlz MT

  • Niagara Engraved

  • Edwardian Script ITC

  • Niagara Solid

  • Elephant

  • Nobile

  • Engravers MT

  • NotoSans

  • Eras ITC

  • OCR A Extended

  • Felix Titling

  • Old English Text MT

  • Fixedsys Regular

  • Onyx

  • Footlight MT

  • Open Sans

  • Forte

  • Palace Script MT

  • Franklin Gothic

  • Palatino Linotype

  • Freestyle Script

  • Papyrus

  • French Script MT

  • Parchment

  • Gabriola

  • Perpetua Titling MT

  • Garamond

  • Playbill

  • Georgia

  • Poor Richard

  • Gigi

  • Pristina

  • Gill Sans MT

  • Rage Italic

  • Gloucester

  • Raleway