SOQL Query Relationships

Use SOQL A specially designed SQL query language for querying the database in Salesforce orgs. Query Relationships to add data to your DocGen Packages A customizable package that consists of your Salesforce data, documents, and delivery configurations for documents you want to generate. that are complex to create with the point-and-click Salesforce object relationship editor. SOQL provides support to relationship queries against standard and custom objects. You can use relationship queries to return objects of one type based on the criteria that applies to other type of objects.

For example, say you want to return all accounts created by one user and all the contacts associated with those accounts. You'll need to create a parent-to-child relationship creating the connection between the two objects, which you can do with a SOQL Query Relationship.

To watch video tutorials on how to use this Nintex capability, take the CERT: Nintex Document Generation Expert - Nintex DocGen for Salesforce in Nintex University.

Create a SOQL Relationship

  1. Navigate to the App Launcher by selecting the app launcher in the upper left corner, select Nintex DocGen.
  2. Select the DocGen Packages tab.
  1. Open the DocGen Package you want to create a SOQL relationship for.
  2. From the Data Tab, access the Relationships window.

  3. In the Add Relationships section of the window, click SOQL Query.
  4. In the SOQL field, type in the SOQL query.
    • Remove any line breaks in the query. Line breaks work in the Developer Console, but cause errors in Nintex DocGen.
    • Only use field tags in the WHERE clause of a SOQL query.
    • Use an inner query inside of a select to get table and row replication.
    • TYPEOF keyword is not supported.
    • Use dot notation to get data through a lookup.

  5. From the Relationships section, you can edit the Repeat By field to:
  1. Click Save.