
loopMessageRequest class

Create a collection of DocGen Package requests to run as a batch.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


global class loopMessageRequest

The loopMessageRequest class exposes the following members.


Member name Description
loopMessageRequest constructor

Add instances of the loopMessageRequest object to the requests property on loopMessage object to add and send DocGen Package requests.


Member name Description
loopMessageRequest.attachments property Gets or sets ad hoc files to include with a DocGen Package request.
loopMessageRequest.ddpId property Gets or sets the ID of the DocGen Package.
loopMessageRequest.recordId property Gets or sets the ID of the record.
loopMessageRequest.variables property Gets or sets any additional variables for the DocGen Package.


This class is defined within the loopMessage class.

Add instances of the loopMessageRequest object to the requests property on loopMessage object to add and send DocGen Package requests.

loopMessageRequest constructor

Add instances of the loopMessageRequest object to the requests property on loopMessage object to add and send DocGen Package requests.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


loopMessageRequest(String recordId, String ddpId, Map<String, String> variables)



Type: String

Required. This is the record ID.


Type: String

Required. This is the DocGen Package ID.


Type: Map<String, String>

Any additional variables for the DocGen Package. For more information, see loopMessageRequest.variables property.


Construct instances of the loopMessageRequest object to add to the requests property on your loopMessage object to add and send DocGen Package requests.

loopMessageRequest properties

The loopMessageRequest class exposes the following members.


Member name Description
loopMessageRequest.attachments property Gets or sets ad hoc files to include with a DocGen Package request.
loopMessageRequest.ddpId property Gets or sets the ID of the DocGen Package.
loopMessageRequest.recordId property Gets or sets the ID of the record.
loopMessageRequest.variables property Gets or sets any additional variables for the DocGen Package.

loopMessageRequest.attachments property

Gets or sets ad hoc files to include with a DocGen Package request.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


List<AdHoc.Attachment> attachments

Property Value

Type: List<AdHoc.Attachment>

Attachment objects are defined within the Adhoc class.


Use this property to add Attachment objects to DocGen Package requests to specify any ad hoc files to be included with the DocGen Package.

The following example illustrates how to define a new collection on the Attachment object. Make sure to define a new Attachment object before adding it to the DocGen Package request.

loopMessageReqeusts.attachments = new List<Loop.AdHoc.Attachment>();

loopMessageRequest.ddpId property

Gets or sets the ID of the DocGen Package.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


String ddpId

Property Value

Type: String

Required. This is the DocGen Package ID.


Set the ddpId property in the constructor for the loopMessageRequest object.

loopMessageRequest.recordId property

Gets or sets the ID of the record.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


String recordId

Property Value

Type: String

Required. This is the record ID.


Set the recordId property in the constructor for the loopMessageRequest object.

loopMessageRequest.variables property

Gets or sets any additional variables for the DocGen Package.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


Map<String, String> variables

Property Value

Type: Map<String, String>

A map of strings to any additional variables for the DocGen Package.


Specify any additional variables for the DocGen Package request with this map of strings.

Options include:

  • deploy - Delivery Option Id or a string corresponding to a standard delivery. For example, autoemail or queue.
  • SF{object API name} - Record Id for an object. For example, SFAccount or SFMy_Object__c. You can use only one record Id per unique object.
  • attachIds - pipe delimited list of ad hoc file Ids. For example, id1|id2.