
ProcessDdpParameters class

Provides parameters and options for the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component, used for processing the specified DocGen Package.

Tip: Sample available on GitHub. For more information, see ProcessDdps sample.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


global class ProcessDdpParameters

The ProcessDdpParameters class exposes the following members.


Member name Description
ProcessDdpParameters constructor Creates an instance of the ProcessDdpParameters class.


Member name Description
ProcessDdpParameters.addAttachmentIds method Adds the specified ad hoc files as attachments to the DocGen Package run.


Member name Description
ProcessDdpParameters.additionalRecordIds property Gets or sets a list of Salesforce record IDs for use within the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.attachments property Gets or sets the specified ad hoc files as attachments for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.attachToRecord property Gets or sets whether the generated files should be attached to the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run.
ddpId Gets or sets the ID of the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.deliveryOptionId property Gets or sets the ID of the Delivery Option for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.onCompleteCallback property Gets or sets the callback method to be invoked on completion of the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.onErrorCallback property Gets or sets the name of the callback method to be invoked if an error occurs during the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.onProgressCallback property Gets or sets the callback method to be invoked each time the progress is updated for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.optionalDdpFileIds property Gets or sets a list of optional DocGen Package File record IDs to be included in the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.previewButtonText property Gets or sets the text to be used for the button label on the preview step for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.recordId property Gets or sets the ID of the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.theme property Gets or sets the style theme applied to the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component.
ProcessDdpParameters.usePreview property Gets or sets whether to run the DocGen Package within the preview environment.
ProcessDdpParameters.workspaceId property Gets or sets the ID of the Salesforce content library in which to store documents generated from the DocGen Package run.


Class name Description
ThemeStyle Describes options for the style theme that can be applied to the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component.


The Process DocGen Package (<loop:processddp>) component is a Visualforce component used to configure, request, and report progress on a DocGen Package run from a Visualforce page. This class specifies various parameters and options, such as custom styles, handler actions, and text, used by the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component to allow for a seamless, customized, and embedded DocGen Package run process.

ProcessDdpParameters constructor

Creates an instance of the ProcessDdpParameters class class.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


ProcessDdpParameters(Id ddpId, Id deliveryOptionId, Id recordId, List<Id> additionalRecordIds)



Type: Id

The ID of the DocGen Package for the DocGen Package run.


Type: Id

The ID of the Delivery Option for the DocGen Package run.


Type: Id

The ID of the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run.


Type: List<Id>

The list of IDs for additional top-level records for the DocGen Package run.

ProcessDdpParameters methods

The ProcessDdpParameters class exposes the following members.


Member name Description
ProcessDdpParameters.addAttachmentIds method Adds the specified ad hoc files as attachments to the DocGen Package run.

ProcessDdpParameters.addAttachmentIds method

Adds the specified ad hoc files as attachments to the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


void addAttachmentIds(List<Id> attachmentIds)



Type: List<Id>

A list of IDs for the ad hoc files to be added as attachments.


This method adds the specified ad hoc files, such as attachments, Chatter Feed files, related content, case knowledge articles, and enclosures, as attachments for the DocGen Package run, appended to the attachments specified in the ProcessDdpParameters.attachments property property of the ProcessDdpParameters instance.

This method does not support Veeva Vault attachments.

ProcessDdpParameters properties

The ProcessDdpParameters class exposes the following members.


Member name Description
ProcessDdpParameters.additionalRecordIds property Gets or sets a list of Salesforce record IDs for use within the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.attachments property Gets or sets the specified ad hoc files as attachments for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.attachToRecord property Gets or sets whether the generated files should be attached to the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run.
ddpId Gets or sets the ID of the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.deliveryOptionId property Gets or sets the ID of the Delivery Option for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.onCompleteCallback property Gets or sets the callback method to be invoked on completion of the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.onErrorCallback property Gets or sets the name of the callback method to be invoked if an error occurs during the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.onProgressCallback property Gets or sets the callback method to be invoked each time the progress is updated for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.optionalDdpFileIds property Gets or sets a list of optional DocGen Package File record IDs to be included in the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.previewButtonText property Gets or sets the text to be used for the button label on the preview step for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.recordId property Gets or sets the ID of the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run.
ProcessDdpParameters.theme property Gets or sets the style theme applied to the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component.
ProcessDdpParameters.usePreview property Gets or sets whether to run the DocGen Package within the preview environment.
ProcessDdpParameters.workspaceId property Gets or sets the ID of the Salesforce content library in which to store documents generated from the DocGen Package run.

ProcessDdpParameters.additionalRecordIds property

Gets or sets a list of Salesforce record IDs for use within the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


List<Id> additionalRecordIds

Property Value

Type: List<Id>

A list of Id instances, each of which represents a Salesforce record ID.


This property identifies other Salesforce record IDs to be used within the DocGen Package run, in addition to the recordId specified in the ProcessDdpParameters.recordId propertyproperty of the ProcessDdpParameters instance.

ProcessDdpParameters.attachments property

Gets or sets the specified ad hoc files as attachments for the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


List<AdHoc.Attachment> attachments

Property Value

Type: List<Adhoc>

A list of AdHoc.Attachment instances, each of which represents an ad hoc file to be attached from the DocGen Package run.


This property represents the ad hoc files, such as attachments, Chatter Feed files, related content, case knowledge articles, and enclosures, attached from the DocGen Package run.

Use the ProcessDdpParameters.addAttachmentIds method method to append additional ad hoc files as attachments for the DocGen Package run.

ProcessDdpParameters.attachToRecord property

Gets or sets whether the generated files should be attached to the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


Boolean attachToRecord

Property Value

Type: Boolean

true to attach the generated files to the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run; otherwise, false.

ProcessDdpParameters.ddpId property

Gets or sets the ID of the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


Id ddpId

Property Value

Type: Id

The ID of the DocGen Package run.


This property identifies the DocGen Package run associated with the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component.

ProcessDdpParameters.deliveryOptionId property

Gets or sets the ID of the Delivery Option for the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


Id deliveryOptionId

Property Value

Type: Id

The ID of the Delivery Option for the DocGen Package run.

ProcessDdpParameters.onCompleteCallback property

Gets or sets the callback method to be invoked on completion of the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


String onCompleteCallback

Property Value

Type: String

The name of the JavaScript method, defined on the Visualforce page containing the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component, to be invoked on completion of the DocGen Package run.


The JavaScript method specified for this property must implement the following signature, replacing CallbackMethod with the name of your implemented method:

function CallbackMethod (data)

The object returned in data implements the following properties:

Property name Data type Description
contained string The ID of the container.
files array

An array of objects, each of which describes a file generated by the DocGen Package run. The following table describes the properties of this object:

Property name Data type Description
id string The ID of the file.
fileName string The full name of the file, including the extension.
fileUrl string The full URL of the file.
data object Additional data provided by the component, if applicable.
message string The message provided by the component.

ProcessDdpParameters.onErrorCallback property

Gets or sets the name of the callback method to be invoked if an error occurs during the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


String onErrorCallback

Property Value

Type: String

The name of the JavaScript method, defined on the Visualforce page containing the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component, to be invoked if an error occurs during the DocGen Package run.


The JavaScript method specified for this property must implement the following signature, replacing CallbackMethod with the name of your implemented method:

function CallbackMethod (data)

The object returned in data implements the following properties:

Property name Data type Description
containerId string The ID of the container.
errorId string The ID of the error provided by the component.
message string The message provided by the component.

ProcessDdpParameters.onProgressCallback property

Gets or sets the callback method to be invoked each time the progress is updated for the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


String onProgressCallback

Property Value

Type: String

The name of the JavaScript method, defined on the Visualforce page containing the Progress DocGen Package component, to be invoked each time the progress is updated for the DocGen Package run.


The JavaScript method specified for this property must implement the following signature, replacing CallbackMethod with the name of your implemented method:

function CallbackMethod (data)

The object returned in data implements the following properties:

Property name Data type Description
containerId string The ID of the container.
errorId string The ID of the error provided by the component.
message string The message provided by the component.

ProcessDdpParameters.optionalDdpFileIds property

Gets or sets a list of optional DocGen Package File record IDs to be included in the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


List<Id> optionalDdpFileIds

Property Value

Type: List<Id>

A list of optional DocGen Package File record IDs to be included in the DocGen Package run.

ProcessDdpParameters.previewButtonText property

Gets or sets the text to be used for the button label on the preview step for the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


String previewButtonText

Property Value

Type: String

The text to be used for the button label on the preview step for the DocGen Package run.


The preview step is the step displayed prior to delivery, that contains download links to the documents generated by the DocGen Package run.

ProcessDdpParameters.recordId property

Gets or sets the ID of the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


Id recordId

Property Value

Type: Id

The ID of the Salesforce record for the DocGen Package run.

ProcessDdpParameters.theme property

Gets or sets the style theme applied to the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


Loop.ProcessDdpParameters.ThemeStyle theme

Property Value

Type: ThemeStyle enumeration

The style theme applied to the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component.


The value of this property indicates the style theme to be used when displaying the progress bar, preview, and error panes of the Process DocGen Package Visualforce Component. For more information about the available style themes, including how to provide user-defined styles, see ThemeStyle enumeration

ProcessDdpParameters.usePreview property

Gets or sets whether to run the DocGen Package within the preview environment.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


Boolean usePreview;

Property Value

Type: Boolean

true to run the DocGen Package within the preview environment; otherwise, false to run the DocGen Package within the live environment.


If the DocGen Package preview environment is available, either for all organizations or the current organization, set this property to true to run the DocGen Package within the DocGen Package preview environment. If the DocGen Package preview environment is not available, or if this property is set to false, the DocGen Package is run within the DocGen Package live environment.

For more information about the DocGen Package preview environment, see Next release testing.

ProcessDdpParameters.workspaceId property

Gets or sets the ID of the Salesforce content library in which to store documents generated from the DocGen Package run.

Namespace: LOOP

Package: Nintex DocGen for Salesforce


Id workspaceId

Property Value

Type: Id

The ID of the Salesforce content library in which to store documents generated from the DocGen Package run.


If the value of the ProcessDdpParameters.attachToRecord property property is set to false and the value of the ProcessDdpParameters.deliveryOptionId property property is set to the ID of a Delivery Option for which storage is not required, setting the value of this property has no effect and the documents generated from the DocGen Package run are not stored.

If the value of the attachToRecord property is set to true, or if the value of the deliveryOptionId property is set to the ID of a Delivery Option for which storage is required, the documents generated from the DocGen Package run are stored depending on the value of this property:

  • If the value of this property is set to the ID of a Salesforce content library, the documents generated from the DocGen Package run are stored in the specified Salesforce content library.
  • If the value of this property is not set, the documents generated from the DocGen Package run are stored in the personal content library for the user.

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Loop namespace