Configure buttons to generate documents
You can create a DocGen Package and then configure a button so that users can generate documents. You can add buttons to page layouts of an object for users to generate documents. You can also configure a button to generate documents for multiple records if you have one of the Mass DocGen Package features added to your subscription. In addition to buttons, you can also configure links and tabs.
Nintex DocGen comes with these standard buttons for the six standard objects:
- Account
- Case
- Contact
- Contract
- Lead
- Opportunities

Create a button with the Button Wizard to use a Salesforce Classic button to generate documents in Salesforce Lightning.
In Nintex DocGen, click Nintex Admin.
Under Classic Experience Buttons, click Button Wizard.
Under Type, select one of the following:
Single Record Button
Mass DocGen Package via List View Button
Mass DocGen Package via Report Button
Note: You have to enable Mass DocGen Packages via Reports to use the Mass DocGen Package via Report Button option.
In DocGen Package Starting Object, choose one of the following actions:
Select one of the six standard objects.
Select Other..., and then in Object Name, select an object.
(Optional) Add any customization options. For more information, see Button Wizard field reference.
Click Create Button. The New Button or Link page opens, with the code from the Button Wizard.
In the New Button or Link Edit page, make any additional changes and click Save. A prompt reminds you to add the button to a page layout.

Add the button you created to the page layouts of the object for which it was created. If you already have a Salesforce Classic Experience generate documents button on the page layout, remove it.
To add a button to a page layout on standard or custom objects:
From Setup, take one of the following actions:
If you're working with a standard object, type Page Layouts in the Quick Find box, then click the page layout of the standard object to which you want to add a button to generate documents.
Example: If you want to add a button to the Account object, click Page Layouts under Accounts.
If you're working with a custom object:
Type Objects in the Quick Find box, then click Objects for a list of custom objects in your organization.
Click the custom object you want to work with, and then click Page Layouts.
On the page layout related list for the object you selected, click Edit next to the page layout to which you want to add the button.
Click Mobile & Lightning Actions.
In the list of available button elements, select Generate Documents or the button you just created and drag it to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions.
Click Save.

Add a button to list view layouts that generates documents for multiple records. You can add these buttons to list view layouts for these objects. For any other object (including custom objects), you must first create the button, and then add it to the corresponding list view layout.
Add a button to list view layouts for standard objects
Add the button to the list view layout of the standard object the button supports. To add a button to a list view layout on standard objects:
Click Setup and type search layouts in to the Quick Find box.
Click Search Layout of the object for which you want to add the button.
For example, the Account object.
On the search layouts screen for the standard object you selected, click Edit next to the list view for the object.
For example, click Edit next to Accounts List View for the Account object. -
Under Custom Buttons, from Available Buttons, click Generate Documents and then click Add.
With Generate Documents in Selected Buttons, click Save.
Add a button to the list view layouts for custom objects
For custom objects, first Create a button to generate documents , then add that button to the list view layout of the object.
Click the list view for the starting object you selected when creating the button using the Button Wizard.
Under Custom Buttons, from Available Buttons, click Generate Documents and then click Add.
With Generate Documents in Selected Buttons, click Save.

Users can generate documents from the Lightning Experience using the DocGen Lightning component. From the Lightning Experience, add the DocGen Lightning component to the page layout of the object from which you want end users to generate documents.
To add the DocGen Lightning component to page layouts:
From an object from which you want end users to generate documents, select a record.
In the upper right, click Setup and click Edit Page.
In the Lightning App Builder, from Custom - Managed, drag DocGen onto the page.
(Optional) In the component properties, type a custom name or enable the DocGen Lightning component to start expanded, so that users don't have to open the component to begin generating documents.
Click Save.
Note: To make the DocGen Lightning component available to your Lightning Experience users, you must activate the page. You can activate the page from the Save dialog when you save it for the first time, or later using the Activation button.

You create a link that generates documents for single records to any object (including custom objects), and then use the Button Wizard to add the link to the page layout for the object.
To create a link to generate documents
In Nintex DocGen, click DocGen Admin.
Under Classic Experience Buttons, click Button Wizard.
Under Type, select Single Record Link.
Under DocGen Package Starting Object, take one of the following actions.
Select one of the six standard objects.
Select Other..., and then in Object Name, select an object.
Click Create Button.
On the New Button or Link page, click Save, and then click OK on the prompt.
In the Page Layouts list (for the Starting Object you selected in step 4), click Edit.
In the palette, select Custom Links.
In the list of available elements, select Run DocGen Package and drag it to the Custom Links area on the page layout.
Click Save.