Signing apps

This section contains topics about creating deliveries for signing apps.

Common fields for creating recipients

This table lists all the Specified Signer options for recipients: 


Secondary Option




Default option. If you use None, the user generating documents must select a contact or user as a recipient.

User Selected Contact


The user generating documents must select a contact as the recipient.
Current User


The user generating documents is the recipient.
Selected Contact


Add a contact. The user that generates documents cannot edit this. This is required.
Selected User


Add a user. The user that generates documents cannot edit this. This is required.
User Lookup


Add a user with a lookup. The user generating the documents can edit this value.

Contact Lookup


Add a contact with a lookup. The user generating the documents can edit this value.

Static Name-Email

Static Name and Address

Type a name and email address. The user generating documents can not change these values. Both are required.

Tip: Use tags from the field tagger to make these fields dynamic.

User Selected Name-Email

Static Name and Address

(Optional) Type a name and email address. This is not a user or contact in Salesforce. The user generating documents can use these values or type their own.

Dynamic Name-Email

Recipient Parameter

Type the parameter name used in the DocGen Package button.

You must specify a parameter in code for a button that calls a recipient name and email address, then use the parameter name in Recipient Parameter. This is required.

Roles or Groups

Role/Group Names

Type the role or user group. To add a list, separate values by double commas.

Object Owner


The user that owns the object is the recipient. This value can not be edited by the user generating documents.

Object Creator


The user that created the object is the recipient. This value can not be edited by the user generating documents.

Current Users Manager


The manager(s) of the user generating documents.