Define the parameters

In the previous topic, you added an operation A single request to a third-party API. Operations often become actions in the workflow designer. to your basic OpenAPI Specification A standard, language-agnostic description of RESTful APIs that can be read by both humans and machines. Formerly known as Swagger. structure to retrieve information about an airport. Now you will add a parameter A piece of information passed to a third-party API during a request. to pass the airport code of the airport that you want to retrieve information on. This parameter appears as a configuration field for the action A task that can be performed or triggered within a workflow, such as moving a file, sending an email, or using third-party API functionality. in the Workflow designer.

Tip: Want the short version? Check out our OpenAPI Specification quick reference for quick definitions of parameter types, authentication, file handling and Specification Extensions.


A parameter is a piece of information required by the API A programming interface that defines how a software platform can receive and respond to requests from other software platforms. in order to complete the operation. Parameters can be passed to operations in several locations:

In this example, you will define one parameter to be appended to the URL as a query. For instructions on defining multiple parameters, see Defining more than one parameter. For examples on how to pass parameters by other methods, see Alternative parameter locations.

Parameters in the OpenAPI Specification

Parameters for each operation are defined in the parameters array within the HTTP method object. Each parameter must have a unique name within the location it is passed in for the OpenAPI Specification to be valid. For example, you could have two parameters with the name of ID if one were passed in the query, and the other in the body, but not if both parameters were passed in the query.

Parameters must be defined as they appear in the API. If the API requires the parameter in a query, your OpenAPI Specification must define the parameter as being passed in the query.

Define the parameters

To define a parameter, you define:

  • The name of the parameter
  • The data type of the parameter
  • The location in which the parameter is passed

Step 1: Add the parameters array

Each operation in an OpenAPI Specification defines its own array of parameters within the HTTP method object. The parameters array is usually added after the produces array, before the closing brace of the HTTP method object.

"get": {
    "summary": "Get airport info",
    "description": "Get airport info",
    "operationId": "getAirportInfo",
    "produces": [
    "parameters": [

Step 2: Add a parameter object

Each parameter is defined as an object within the parameters array, with each parameter object having multiple key : value pairs. Add an open and closing brace to create an empty object within the parameters array to hold the parameter.

"parameters": [

Step 3: Add the parameter name and type

Parameters must have a name and a data type, such as string (text) or number.

"parameters": [
        "name": "iata",
        "type": "string"

Nintex Workflow uses the name and type to create the configuration field for this action in the Workflow designer.

Step 4: Add the parameter location

Parameters must have a location, which specifies how they are passed to the API. The location is defined with the key in. Passing the parameter in the query appends it to the API URL.

"parameters": [
        "name": "iata",
        "type": "string",
        "in": "query"

Alternative parameter locations

Step 5: Add watermark text

You can guide designers with watermark or placeholder text when they configure your custom actions. Nintex Workflow uses the description key in the parameter object to create watermark text in the configuration field for the action.

Note: Watermark text is not displayed for enum parameters, or other drop-down list configuration fields.

"parameters": [
        "name": "iata",
        "type": "string",
        "in": "query",
        "description": "Airport code"

The OpenAPI Specification

The OpenAPI Specification now defines the operations you can perform, and the parameters needed for those operations. Next you will describe the response the API will return when the operation is called.

    "swagger": "2.0",
    "info": {
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "title": "Airport Data",
        "description": "Retrieves location information based on airport codes"
    "host": "",
    "basePath": "/api",
    "schemes": [
    "produces": [
    "paths": {
        "/ap_info.json": {
            "get": {
                "summary": "Get airport info",
                "description": "Get airport info",
                "operationId": "getAirportInfo",
                "produces": [
                "parameters": [
                        "name": "iata",
                        "type": "string",
                        "in": "query",
                        "description": "Airport code"

Next steps

Define the responses