Salesforce Chatter send invitation

Sends an invitation to a user who does not have a Salesforce license to join the authorizing user's Salesforce Chatter network.

Invitations are limited to users who have email addresses within your allowed domains. "Allow Co-worker Invitations" must be enabled for your organization.

Note: This is an external action and may execute on servers running outside your data center region. Before implementing, consider performance and regional concerns where digital boundaries are an issue. For more information, see In-tenant and external actions.

Action settings

Do one of the following to open the Action configuration window:

  • Double-click the action.
  • Click on the action and then click Configure.

See Action configuration window for more information.

Field Description


Specify the Salesforce username.


Specify the Salesforce password.

Security token

Specify the Salesforce security token.

Note: For more information on security tokens, refer to the following topic in Salesforce online help: "Resetting Your Security Token."

User to invite

Specify the email address for the intended recipient of the invitation to the Authorizing user's Salesforce network.

Group name

Specify the group name for the group invitation. Maximum character count: 40.

The group invitation will only be successful if the user is not currently a member of an existing group within the network.


Specify a plain text message to the user receiving the invitation. Maximum character count: 255.

Invite successful

Specify a Boolean variable to store whether or not the invitation was successful. Returns "Yes" if the invitation was sent successfully. Returns "No" if the invitation is unsuccessful or if the recipient is already registered.

For more information about how to use Lookups in configuration fields, see Lookups in action configuration fields.