Adding BAPI Methods to a Service Object

Add a Service Object Method by selecting the method from a SAP BAPI and drag it onto the design canvas.

The SAP BAPIs include existing methods that can be used within a new Service Object. Accessing these methods does not require any particular skill, other than being able to navigate through the BAPI structure and locate the required method. The Service Object can have more than one method; both custom and existing. When using a resident SAP method, the method can be further customized by clicking on the GETLIST link. Further BAPI Methods are available, but depend on the actual BAPI in question.

Item Description
Methods Any number of methods can be added to the Service Object.
K2 connect Test Cockpit Loads the K2 connect Test Cockpit.

Close Service Object

Deletes the method from the Service Object.

When the method is deleted, any customizations are deleted.