How to Import a Service Object in K2 connect Administration

Service Objects can be moved from one environment to another, for example from a development environment to a QA environment for testing purposes. The steps below are based on such a scenario:

  1. Copy the .svd file from Visual Studio on the development environment to the QA environment.
  2. Create the same destination in the QA environment as the one used in the development environment.
  3. Ensure the Service Instance GUID is the same on both environments.
  4. Open the .svd file in Visual Studio on the QA environment.
  5. Add the Service Object to the K2 connect Administration tools.
  6. Stop and start the K2 connect server to create the K2 application. This will also add the Service Objects currently in the Repository.

In some instances it might occur that the Service Object does not reflect immediately. In this case, refresh the Service Instance using the Administration Tool and stop and start the K2 connect Server again.