SCIM API Reference

The product implements basic CRUD operations based on the SCIM 2.0 protocol for managing user identity information. Identity providers like Azure Active Directory can create and update identity information in the product using the SCIM standard and targeting a specific SCIM endpoint for the target environment. This reference topic shows the properties, attributes and operators implemented in the product for these SCIM operations. Use this reference to create your own SCIM-compliant provider to pass user and group identity information to your environment's specific SCIM endpoint.

The SCIM standard contains many more identity attributes than is described here. This topic shows only those attributes that the product uses.

Your environment will have a dedicated SCIM URL, and might have more than one SCIM URL if you have different Identity Providers or different domains to sync with the product. You will receive your environment's SCIM URL and Token value for your environment from Nintex K2 Cloud operations as part of your onboarding process or Identity Provider registration process. Be sure to use the correct URL and endpoint for the operation that you need to implement on your Identity Provider.

In the sample request URls listed in this topic, replace the [placeholder] values with the appropriate values for the environment you are working with:

  • [ScimBaseUrl]: the base URL for the SCIM service. It should look something like The token will be supplied by the Nintex K2 Cloud operations team when your identity provider is configured in your environment. Look for the scim:baseUrl value in your identity provider confirmation email.
  • [token]: a unique, GUID-like value that represents the access token for the targeted environment. It will follow a pattern like ********-****-****-****-************. The token will be supplied by the operations team when your identity provider is configured for your environment. Look for the scim:token value in your identity provider confirmation email.
  • [ScimUrl]: combine the ScimBaseURL and the Token value to determine the unique URL for your environment, in the format https://[ScimBaseUrl]/tokens/[token]/scim/v2. For example, the ScmUrl value for a specific environment would look something like********-****-****-****-************/scim/v2


Operations URL for users URL for groups HTTP Responses Notes
Service Provider Config GET {ScimBaseUrl}/scim/v2/ServiceProviderConfig N/A 200 OK  
Create POST [ScimUrl]/Users POST [ScimUrl]/Groups 201 Success
400 Bad request
409 Conflict
Get GET [ScimUrl]/Users/{UserID} GET [ScimUrl]/Groups/{GroupID} 200 User/Group exists
400 Bad request
404 Not found
A GET operation's results are limited to 100 returned items. For example:
  • GET /users returns at most 100 users
  • GET /groups returns at most 100 groups, each group with at most 100 users. This could potentially return 10 000 results (100 groups x 100 users per group)
The results are ordered alphabetically, first by displayName then by Name if a displayName does not exist.
Update PATCH [ScimUrl]/Users/{UserID} PATCH [ScimUrl]/Group/{GroupID} 200 Success Use this operation to Update an existing user/group’s specific properties. This is effectively an UPDATE operation.
Delete DELETE [ScimUrl]/Users/{UserID} DELETE [ScimUrl]/Groups/{GroupID} 200 Success Marks a user or group as Inactive
Replace PUT [ScimUrl]/Users/{UserID} PUT [ScimUrl]/Groups/{GroupID} 200 Success Use this operation to delete existing and insert new user/group properties. When using Replace, all properties omitted will remove those properties from the result. To Replace correctly, first Get the resource, modify its result and use that as the body for the Replace operation.

K2 core properties

The product maps the following core properties to SCIM standard properties:

Property SCIM property
Name Username
DisplayName DisplayName
Email Primary Email
ExternalID ExternalID


Use the Filter property to apply filters to GET requests. Filter results using an attribute, operator and value. You can combine filters with logical AND/OR operators and brackets.


  Sample URL Attributes Operators Logical Operators
GET /Users

GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter={attribute}{op}{value}

  • GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter={attribute}{op}{value}
    GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter=username eq someusername

You can combine filters with logical AND, OR and brackets:

  • GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter={attribute}{op}{value} and {attribute}{op}{value}
    GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter=externalId eq 123 and username co somevalue
  • GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter={attribute}{op}{value} or {attribute}{op}{value}
    GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter=externalId eq 123 or externalId eq 456
  • GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter={attribute}{op}{value} and ({attribute}{op}{value} or {attribute}{op}{value})
    GET [ScimUrl]/Users?filter=username co somevalue and (externalId co 123 or email ew com)
  • username
  • displayname
  • externalid
  • urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:user:manager.displayName

  • urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:user:manager.value

  • email
  • id
  • eq (Equals)
  • co (Contains)
  • ew
    (Ends With)
  • sw
    (Starts With)
  • and
  • or
GET /Groups

GET [ScimUrl]/Groups?filter={attribute}{op}{value}

  • DisplayName
  • ExternalId
  • members[value {op} {ID}]
  • members[display {op} {value}]
  • id
  • eq (Equals)
  • co (Contains)
  • ew
    (Ends With)
  • sw
    (Starts With)
  • and

  • or

HTTP Responses

  • 200 Success
  • 201 Success
  • 400 Bad request
  • 404 Not found
  • 409 Conflict

Request header parameters

Parameter Type Description
Authorization String Set to Bearer <token>
Content-Type String Set to application/scim+json
Accept String Set to application/scim+json
The Bearer token and SCIM token are two different values.

API reference


  • You will need to replace the value of [token] in the endpoint URIs with a valid token value for the identity provider you are working with. The token will be supplied by the K2 Cloud operations team when your identity provider is configured in your K2 Cloud environment. It will be a guid value, look for the scim:token value in your identity provider confirmation email.
  • The active property will be omitted from the response if the user is disabled. A 404 will be returned if a user was deleted. The active property will be returned and have a value of true when the user is enabled.
  • Users will only be able to authenticate with the product once their user information has synchronized between the Identity Provider and the product. The SCIM application is responsible for sending updated user information to the product as necessary, to ensure that user information is kept synchronized.
  • Known Issue
    An error occurs when trying to access group details using a URL such as: '{{token}}/scim/v2/Groups?filter=DisplayName eq CL_Sell in - Purchase Supervisor' for example. This happens when:

    • The URL ends with OR or AND, and containing a space
    • The URL contains "OR " or "AND " (with a space after the keyword)
    "...Status:400 error scimType: InvalidValue Detail: "Value cannot be null.\r\nParameter name: text..."
    Add a double quote for the group name that has the issue, for example:

    filter=DisplayName eq CL_Sell in - Purchase Supervisor

    must be:

    filter=DisplayName eq "CL_Sell in - Purchase Supervisor"