Add a scan menu item
This topic describes how to add a scan menu item.
Add a scan menu item to manage the content delivered with the app. A scan menu item lets mobile user scan QR codes to open deep-linked resources.
For example, your company is having a conference. Attendees have badges with QR codes, which deep-link to their registration form. To check the status of the badge holder, the mobile user scans the code, which opens the attendee's registration information.
To add a scan menu item
On the app page, click Content.
For instructions on accessing the app page, see Access the app page.
to open the Add menu item dialog box.
In the Icon field, select an icon to visually represent your scan menu item.
The image description is not visible in the app.
For example, the image description "Scan" is not visible with the icon.
In the Name field, enter a name for the menu item.
The name is visible in the app with the icon.
For example, "QR codes at conference".
In the Type field, select Scan.
Selecting Scan type does not allow you to upload files to your app.
Click Add.